Hi, thanks to those who came down on Monday and those who helped sort stuff tonight!
I've got a draft list of jobs that I hope people don't mind doing, any issue please let me know. Particularly if I've put you down to do something when you have already agreed to do something else (i've probably forgotten lots! Sorry!)
Meet and greet at the centre on Friday evening - I'll be there, but a big Tiger turn out would be great! Would be good to see a lot of people at the centre to help out if necessary or just to socialise a little!
Kitchen - Letty's in charge and will fill you in!
Martin Fletcher
Letty Fletcher
Mark Cresswell
Margret Cresswell
Letty's friends x 2
Control/Events office - Rachel can you be in charge, but I'll go through everything with you when you get here
Rachel Tonks
Nicky Cresser
Julie Ramsey
Andy Rhucroft
Ergo Challenge - Darren to be in charge, could do with 2 people on at all times
Darren Cresser
Andrew Martin
Scott Cresswell
Matt Fletcher
Parking Sat and Sun Morning - Emma to be in charge
Emma Taylor
Ste Jackson
Pitch clerks - first named person to coordinate and arrange timings around games/other roles
Pitch 1 - Ste, Gail, Sophie
Pitch 2 - Paul B, Chaz, Phil
Pitch 3 - Ledger, Sara Cresser, Rachel Smith
Pitch 4 - Roz, Katie, Helen
Pitch 5 - Ramz, Dave Ramsey, Bev
Investment League Coordinators - We need to have a chat about this before the weekend, but Friday night is good enough!
Andrea Watson
Sarah Brown
Camping site patrol!
Friday - 5pm-11pm - Ramsey and Julie
Friday - Saturday 6am - andy rhu
Saturday - 7:30am-11am - Sue Cresser and Julie
Saturday - 11am-3pm - Mrs McAuley and a n other tbc
Saturday - 3pm-5:30pm - tbc volunteer please
Saturday - 5:30-7:30pm - Sara and Paul Cresser
Saturday - 7:30pm-8:30pm - Sam Critchley and Paul Bone
Saturday - 8:30pm-9:30pm - Nicky and Matt
Saturday - 9:30pm-11pm - Ste and Sophie
Saturday - Sunday Andy Rhu, ramsey and anyone camping
Sunday 7am - 10am - Sue Cresser.